Friday, August 10, 2012

Travel Doll -new free pattern

The lovely knitters on my fan page at (that always sounds so funny- my fans- but I'm so flattered) are running a travel doll project. I have designed a special pattern for the project. If you are interested in either the pattern or participating go to the webiste:

I think you will have to be a Ravelry member but that is free too. She doesn't have any clothes patterns as that is part of the project.

Have fun!


Beth said...

Oh Fiona, she is adorable! How tall?? What a perfect traveling companion: no arguments, always agreeable, never jabbing you in the side with an elbow (of course, she probably never picks up the check either :-)

Wonderful to share with everyone as well. Thank you!


Ren said...

You are so clever!

MTraugutt said...

what happened to babe's little sister?

MTraugutt said...

What happened to Babe's little sister?

MTraugutt said...

What happened to pattern for Babe's little sister?

Fiona McDonald said...

I will try to get her pattern up by mid September.